#eye #eye


the importance of falling down.

You can’t feel true success, that wonderful feeling everyone wants without the feeling of failure. Everything you do has a path and a progression. The successful people you look up to all went through a process to get to where they are today. Unfortunately we hardly ever get the chance to see that process as a whole, we may get to see the beginning, where they start, and we always get to see the end. But the middle is always hidden. That important section of growth is somehow lost in translation. The middle is full of failure, of distress, of disease, of discomfort, the middle is where success is born, where constant failure is molded into the ability to thrive. Because without that uncomfortable feeling of failure, the need for success will always be a fleeting feeling we chase. Not something you fight with all your being to hold onto. Holding successes won’t be important to you, because in some way’s it will always be there, some watered down form of “success” will always in reach. But what’s in reach won’t be exactly what you want, instead it will be close enough to “okay”, to be “content with settling”. But you’re not content, and never will be. The life you are living today is an illusion, the future is inevitable, you yourself are not stagnant, age will happen, life will happen, the progression is inevitable. Live for today. Live for yourself. Don’t let life pass you by each day, until you’re walked down the street, hunched over from the weight of your past, watching that twinkle of light in a child’s eye’s full of wonder and possibilities, of hope for the future, a future you let so carelessly pass you by. It’s up to you to write your future, today’s the day to start. Start for yourself. Make those changes, find what it mean to you to be happy. Happiness is the decisions that you make in your mind each day. If you’re unhappy in this moment, take a minute, sit down with yourself, make the hard decisions and take the lesser known path towards your own happiness. Stop chasing other people path towards “enlightenment” their paths were, and will never be meant for you.
Only you can put yourself on the right track.
Do the “stupid” helpful things, journal, meditate, eat right, drink enough water, be kind, go back to the basics and be surprised at how easily the blocks start falling into place. Sometimes going backwards isn’t the wrong direction, basics hold the name basics for a reason. The lessons you were taught as a child don’t need to be forgotten completely, just redirected. If you were told you wouldn’t amount to anything or your dreams didn’t matter, flip those belief’s and ask yourself why those words where said to you, where those idea’s stemmed from. Take a step back and look at who invited those idea’s into your mind, your parents, grandparents, another trusted adult? Where their very own goals and dreams shoved down into the pit of their stomachs, treated like make-believe or fairy tails? Did they fight for their goals or did they take the path taken by most, did they find a job that payed enough to get by, join society’s rat race like their parents before them. If that was all they knew could you blame them for their choices or beliefs? Will you place blame or be the change that is so needed. Will you be the generational sledge hammer that shatters the lock tightly held on your family.


Be the one, the one who goes and chases their dreams, becomes their own hero, saves themselves. Start your life today. Live for yourself, make the small changes, focus, create habits, get your shit back on track. Everything, everyday, every minute is a choice, a choice that is up to solely you. You can make the life that you want, that makes you complete, that makes you genuinely happy, all you have to do is decide.